Digi Citizen

I visited KELA and at the moment I don´t use KELA’s service, other then I did in fact just this fall ordered the European health care card for a trip. It was very effortless; I did the order online with bank code identification and it arrived by mail in few days.

I have used the OmaKanta-service as well, with the bank code identification. I always type the address directly to the web browser, no googling and going from the results! They are not secure and can be fake paged to steel your bank codes. I have checked my pension as well; I will leave that to my own knowledge. It is not something my generations waits or expects to have at age of 68 even. Diversification of investments is much smarter for us, and not waiting for the retirement and a pension.

I personally use many digital and virtual services and like to use them. I am not analog is probably the best way to describe the level of use I have for different digital services. I do also work in an area of job description where the foil hat does become a part of everyday life. So even thou I use digital services, I am very security conscious in that world. I see on a daily bases the problems that come with people being in the digital world but not having enough understanding of it. And this is the spot that the criminal world uses for their advantage unfortunately.  Of course, everybody can fall for a scam in the digital services, even a tech savvy person. When you are busy, and don´t read things carefully and with focus, it can happen for anyone. But the people that are not so up to speed and familiar with the digitalization are for sure in more risk than the person that is more used to operating in the digital world. They have a better knowledge and aptitude to recognize the danger points.

As with everything new, individual has to have the desire to learn how use it. Most virtual and digital services are not difficult to use, that is in fact usually the point, that it makes the service usage easier. But if a person doesn´t wish to but even a minimum of effort to learning how use it, it becomes a problem. It is a balancing act in many ways for many service providers, to give the new virtual and digital service for the users and to stay ahead of the market/needs and demands but also to provide a more analog way for the people who are not in this category of users.

Times move on, the digital world is here, and moving fast forward. I do think the time to get on board is now and not later.

Service from my own field of work

I chose mobile bank and “tunnistussovellus” or code app for the mobile banks. I do think that the move from the analog bank code-card, that is still present in Finland but in any other country, is the best digital move in the banking industry. The old bank code-card, is very risky in terms of security, and they should be removed from use completely. I use mobile bank often; it is a very user-friendly digital service and with that the code app. It has removed the need to go to branch office and made banking much easier for everybody with a smartphone. This moves the stigma of banking being something that only wealthy people do. You can do investments with your mobile bank app know as well. This has made it available for everybody, and that is good. Also, with this, the understanding of your finances can improve, because you can see it easily and keep track of your money.


The Digital competence wheel was very interesting to do, and to see the results. Doing the test really made me think how I see the matters and what is the level of understanding for myself in the digital world.

The other things where already familiar to me, but it is good to actually stop and think about the issue at times and to see if there is something new that comes to mind also.

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